The entry level version of ResourceXpress room booking software satisfies the demand from those customers who only require simple functionality from their meeting room management software.

It’s attractively priced at the fraction of the cost of a full license, which makes it very competitive and ensures a much quicker return on investment for the entry level user.

Used for interactive meeting room panels Room screen lite licenses provide fully functional touch screen features such as check in/check out and booking your meeting room on the fly.

From small sites with less than five meeting rooms to large corporations with hundreds of complex work areas and activity based working policies, Room Screen Lite meets the demands of a comprehensive meeting room booking software system for the modern, agile workplace.

Download more information about ResourceXpress Room Screen Licences

Key Benefits

  • Complete real time visibility of room and desk, reservations – no more arguments about room bookings and subsequent disruption to meetings!

  • Interactive booking for instant ad-hoc reservations – need a room quickly? No problem the system can provide real-time instant access via room screens or Qubi’s.

  • Solves the no-show issue for meeting rooms and desks – An optional one click check-in button confirms the reservation to retain the booking.

  • Comprehensive Microsoft Excel based reporting for actual resource utilization and reservation no-shows – typically produces a 40% improvement in room utilization.

Requires MS Exchange, Google Cal or MS 365 booking system account access if integrated but can operate in local ResourceXpress only mode.
An internet connection from the ResourceXpress server
A suitable Windows server to host ResourceXpress .NET server application –see FAQs
Fully customisable room screens to provide complete corporate branding for the system
Central configuration for room and desk screen operation – changes to screen configuration deployed within 60 seconds
Control of interactive screen buttons e.g. To disable at room booking if the room out of use for any reason
Full system wide reporting for actual resource utilization
Screen connectivity logs – screen errors available on the web page for real-time monitoring of large systems
Dual language option and language file customization
Optional email check-in for room bookings (Interactive version only)


Please get in touch if you would like a free trial, demo or just more information.