COVID-19 & Getting Back to Work With ResourceXpress
We’ve published some practical solutions for users of ResourceXpress which will help office workers and employers in getting back to work in a post pandemic world. The subject of Covid-19 and using touch screens is discussed as is using smart desk sharing to reduce the risk of cross infection in the workplace.
There is a wealth of high quality, evidence-based advice already published by governments and health organizations around the world. This document does not seek to promote any particular health policy or practice but it will give you a range of useful ideas of how ResourceXpress can help companies large and small with getting back to work, implementing social distancing and minimizing the risks from interaction with touch-enabled workspace booking devices. If you’re worried about Covid-19 and using touch screens or desk sharing when returning to work after the pandemic then download our guide now.
Click here to download our Covid-19 response document
So how can ResourceXpress preserve this valuable resource whilst reducing the need for physical interaction with touch-enabled devices?
“Resource status indicators are essential to protect service users”
“RFID is a very distance friendly method of authenticating booking operations. No direct contact is required”
“Broadcasting system wide messages is very useful for communicating social distancing and cross infection control messages”

Covid-19 – Getting back to work
In summary:
• Using simple contactless RFID operations to replace touch control functions
• Point of use status indicators are vital to protect service users and visually ringfence workspaces
• Use workspace maps and mobile kiosk app as a distance friendly alternative to point of use operations
• Reducing meeting room capacity
• Providing clear down/set up status indication for meeting rooms
• Increasing space between working desks by auto block-out of adjacent desks to booked resources
• Providing the ability to trace booking attendance in the event of a post reservation infection, to protect the entire workforce and their families
• Broadcasting system wide or zonal messages to communicate social distancing and cross infection control messages
For more information or to discuss any aspect of how ResourceXpress can help get your workplace back to work, contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
More information about Covid-19 is available from: The World Health Organization